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Eduardo Jack Yatim – Acting at its finest!

Published: Apr 23, 2022

As Steve Martin says in his classic motion picture The Jerk, “I was born a poor Venezuelan kid in Valencia, Carabobo.”   No!  but really, I was!   Except…  I was not born poor. I was born rich!!! Rich as they come. Oh!  my poor mother and father. They would challenge each other, in fun, for my path to a successful life. Would I go the route of my mother, a well-known defense attorney? Or my father, a brilliant electronics engineer? Either of them would have rather the other won that battle when I   finally chose my career path; an ACTER!



“My gosh no! Not an actor!” Quipped my successful parents almost in unison.  “What will the family say?” We are from a wonderful place, Lecheries Anzoátegui, the most exclusive city to live in Venezuela sporting an elite “Miami beach” style living, with real estate developments, beaches, shopping centers, restaurants, and the absolute best nightlife and entertainment in Latin America. Choosing Acting as a career was done in part to manifest my rebellious, independent nature, but it was also to be a show-off!  I love to live in the limelight! I have always watched the movies and wanted to be one of those faces, one of those famous stars, known in every country, making movie fans wonder “What does he do when he is not acting? Is his life really as exciting as the life he lives on the silver screen?”  Self-admittedly, my parents really deserved better than what they got.  I once tried to trade places with my brainy, boring cousin because his dad was a loser and I got along with him well, but my parents would have nothing to do with it.

Being a rather a tall, mature looking, Syrian-Venezuelan sixteen-year-old, and a bit out of control, I took my independence to a new level, simulating nicely into the Lecheria.Anzoategui night scene, hanging out in the exotic clubs and partying with the who’s who of highest of Venezuela’s echelon.  I loved it, meeting all kinds of hot women, many of them older than myself.  I always lied about my age, beer in hand, and the hotties of the clubs all believed me, fanning the flames of arrogance even more than the large, naturally puffed-up head already was.  One particular party hub called the Turtle club, mesmerized me.  It was choregraphed wonderfully, having a lighting show making the John Travolta, Olivia Newton John Dance Fever movie look like child’s play.   One night, about two in the morning, my attention was grabbed by the hottest girl the Turtle dance floor ever had step foot on it. To my delight, she was dancing with two girlfriends which made her even more enticing.   With my arrogant attitude in full display, I made my way to her. When she saw me, she smiled and turned toward me with the hottest dance you have ever seen, leaving her two friends dancing with each other with smirks on their faces.  As she moved her hand sensually through her hair with a clear invite to me, her two friends took their gossip to a new height as they picked up their dance to a new level.  The eyes of the club were on us and I was the toast of the dudes, all wishing to take my place.


Her name was Edelwais Kondofersky, and I could not have hit the jack pot any better finding out she was an aspiring actor as I also was.  Edelwais not only had the beauty thing going on, but she was smart too, studying journalism at Santa Maria University — in case the starlet thing imploded.  Edelwais and I teamed up and she introduced me Freddy Laya a theater director in Lecheria Anzoategui  and Edison Di Nello a student of audiovisual sciences at the prestigious UTIRLA university at night.  Ahhh… the four of us were wonderfully matched with perfect chemistry.  Freddy was the old man, that kept the dream glue together who thought he was an actor but actually he was a better investor.   Edison was the director want-to-be and had an internship with a Venezuelan production company designing in the production stages, Edelwais and I were the male and female leads to what we knew would be our first movies – ever!

The four of us became a staple at the Turtle Club and a few other hangouts in Lecheria Anzoategui.  We were the best of friends and remaining so today especially  on Holidays when Freddy invites us to his house for birthday parties, carnival and Halloween with the excuse of recording scenes to make short films, but it turns out to be just a big party for old friends.

As time went on, our movie network became larger including many who were just dreamers, but they were fun to party with.  Then bingo!  I meant I met a well-known talent coach, Alberto Coin and he introduced me to a wonderfully talented makeup artist Moncho Ramirez whose impressive resume was spawned from creating the look of Miss Venezuela and also worked at Venevision with Osmel Sousa.  Now we were getting a serious core of filmmakers but still the group did not have enough movie money to buy a Starbucks Latte.


We decided to do what every other poor group of filmmakers do and put together our own guerrilla movie. We called the movie “FOR A BLACK CAT.” I was the male lead, and it     was the most exciting time of my teenage years. What a lift! “FOR A BLACK CAT” was a Bohemian style mystery and a sarcastic comedy.  We had lots of fun making the movie and spent lots of dreams on the movie, but the quality was not high enough to garnish any interest from the festivals. However, it was enough for me to get my name out in the Venezuelan Film world as an up and comer, to the Venezuelan Indie films production world.  Oh, I was gloating to the max!

I started using my personal brand on Instagram to promote my acting career and it worked.  Last year, I hit pay dirt again when I was recruited by Koala Models Italy from Milan, Italy, and my dream of being an international model came true.  I chose to model and promote myself with a unique costume formulated by Moncho Ramirez, photo wearing electric blue earrings with the Roman numeral symbol, a gray Caterpillar cap and my padlock beard.  I never thought it would work, but now I am a Venezuelan top male model.

I am thankful to billy LAx for posting my blog and I am looking for a US agent to represent both my both my acting and my modeling business in the US!




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